Home Dialysis Dialysis patients encourage others to consider “gifts of life”

Dialysis patients encourage others to consider “gifts of life”

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The cabin kidney unit promotes the day of the world in the world. Back (from the left) Donajonson, nurse specialist. Marena Alex, senior staff nurse. THERESE O'DOWD, senior staff. Paul Donoho, a renal dialysis patient, and Keylan Hannan, a consultant kidney specialist doctor. Front, Gabija Zemguryde, Patient.photo: Sean McMAHON

Awarens World Kidney Day celebrated at Cavan General

-Mark Cander-

“I bought a house, got married, and had three children since the transplant, but I couldn't do it without transplantation. That can completely change the lives of people. “

These were the words of Poldnoho, a dialysis patient at a cabin general hospital and chairman of the Kaban Monahan Irish Kidney Association (IKA) branch. He participated in a special event at the hospital last Thursday, March 14, and marked the world kidney day.

Paul near BALLYCONNELL is waiting for the second kidney transplant and asking people to consider organizing organs to help others like him.

“I have begun to become a patient from a very young person. I was a very young patient because I had a childhood bladder backflow and was irreplaceable my kidneys. I was lucky to have been dialysis for 27 years and have been transplanted for 27 years.

Unfortunately, the kidneys began to fail, and Paul returned to dialysis three times a week for four hours at a time.

“As a dialysis patient, you are often very tired, no matter what age you will not have the same energy as your colleagues. You are very limited because you are three days a week. Paul reveals that it is necessary to recover because it may be severe in your system.

Paul states as follows, expanding the need for more donors. “It's an important conversation with your family, giving a gift of life, only 60 seconds.”

For those with chronic kidney disease (CDK), Paul has this message of hope. It may be difficult at first, but I don't know what is in front of you, but there is also support -whether it's in the unit [dialysis unit in Cavan hospital] Or the Ireland Kidney Association -You are not yourself. “

For his own journey, Paul is pleased to have a local dialysis unit facility in the caban.

“The cabin dialysis unit is important for this area because it covers the huge geographical regions of caban, Monahan, Longford, Mies, and light rims. Before this facility opens, I am me. I had to go to Dublin as I had to do, but now it takes time to travel, and it's great in this geographical area.

After the four years of absence, the Kidney Association in Ireland has been promoting people and giving priority to the health of the kidney, especially in consideration of close links to diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Through Initiative, such as World KKD Day and The Forgate Me Not Flag Day, the association wants to start an open conversation on early detection and the importance of joint care when managing CKD effectively.

CIARA MCCAFFREY is an expert in renal clinical nurses at Cavan Renal Unit. Last week, she was a person who was a health promotion position in a hospital to increase the perception of chronic kidney disease.

There are about 70 patients receiving dialysis at the cabin hospital unit every week.

Nurse McFrey also emphasizes the importance of early detection.

“All you need is a simple blood and urine test to check the renal function. Early identification and treatment of CKD is the best way to delay progress and reduce the risk of long -term impact,” she explains. Masu.

Chronic kidney disease is a quiet state that is often not detected because the symptoms do not occur until the symptoms progress very much. One in 10 Ireland has a CKD, but up to 98 % of the state of the state does not recognize it. People who develop CKD increase the risk of serious complications, such as cardiovascular disease and progress to renal failure.

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