Home News The Northern Ireland transplant team returns from the first World Cup

The Northern Ireland transplant team returns from the first World Cup

by Ashleigh Swan
The Northern Ireland Transplant Team Returns From The First World
ORLA Smyth 16 players and three staff traveled to Italy for the World Cup Aura Smith

Northern Ireland's 16 players and three staff traveled to Italy for the World Cup

A soccer team in the North Ireland, which received the donation of an organ that changed his life, participated in the first World Cup.

The transplant football World Cup was held last week with 11 teams and 180 players in Serbia, Italy.

ORLA SMYTH, one of the co -managers of the Northern Ireland team, said it was a good opportunity to meet people who had the same experience as the organ donor.

“It's a fierce soccer in competition, but no one of us would have been alive without our donors, and that's a great element of gratitude,” she said. 。

ORLA Smyth women look at the camera directly with bright, short blonde hair behind the green soccer field.Aura Smith

Aura Smith, a joint manager, has two kidney transplants

The tournament began last Sunday, and the team was divided into two groups. The structure of the game includes seven sides that play half of the 15 minutes.

This rule reflects the rules for standard soccer games and group competition. The only difference is that there are two referees, and the player is not allowed to get in touch.

Aura stated that sports had been excluded earlier due to the risk of patients after transplantation. However, experts later determined that the risk was “minimal.”

“They adapted the rules a little and made the transplant recipient feel more comfortable to play after transplantation.”

“I thought I wouldn't play again”

The team was formed last year when the organizer went to a recruitment drive that hired a North Ireland hospital.

“They say the words so that they can return to sports and they can keep themselves healthy and mentally healthy,” she said.

One of the players who knew about the team at the hospital was Mark Hughes.

The mark received a kidney transplant 17 months ago and was given a leaflet on transplant sports during recovery.

“I thought,” Why don't you participate? ” I think it's good because you can meet people in the same situation as you, “he said.

After knowing about transplantation sports, the mark is British transplant game It was also in Italy Soccer World Cup

Mark said that there was something to look back on many things after the team played the final match in Italy.

“Just a year ago, I thought I would never be playing soccer again, so I became very emotional to get that opportunity, so it is upwards, so we are for the future. Is built. “

A Mark Hughes man who is looking directly at the camera. He has blue eyes, gray and dark beard. He has cheerful and short hair and wears a white hat. Mark Hughes

Mark plays on the right wing for the team

Northern Ireland faced Spain, Australia, the United States and Chile on the Italian World Cup group stage.

The team did not reach the next stage, but Mark said he had not stopped them.

“We were in a short time together. These teams were probably together for years, so it's like an architectural process. We get bigger and stronger.” I said.

Another special element for the player is that ARLENE CAMPBELL, one of the referees, is a living donor from North Ireland.

Six male soccer players are AIC on soccer soccer pitch. The three men on the left are wearing red shirts with blue shorts. On the right, three men are wearing green shirts and shorts. AIC

The Northern Ireland team is currently training at the Belfast rosary football ground

The team returns to Northern Ireland, aiming for a German global transplant game next year, preparing for the next 2026 transplant football contest.

“Prepare for a soccer team and give me two years to make it really properly,” says ORLA.

Aura wants to see a drive for more women because there are only four of the 180 participants in this year's cup.

“It would be very difficult to get all the female football teams in Northern Ireland, but I would like to think that there are international elements for female soccer players around the world to play soccer.” Ta.

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