The Sligo branch of the Irish Kidney Association will be spreading awareness about organ donation next week.
The theme for this year's Organ Donation Awareness Week, which runs from April 20th to 27th, is “Don't leave your loved ones in doubt.”
There are currently 62 patients undergoing kidney dialysis at Sligo University Hospital, many awaiting the all-important call for a 'gift of life' transplant.
Nationwide, up to 600 people are on waiting lists for organ transplants, including kidneys, hearts, lungs, livers and pancreases.
The key message is that we can increase organ transplants by ensuring that the public leaves no doubt about a family's wishes regarding organ donation.
Sligo Branch IKA Chairman Sean Foley said: “Sharing your wishes when you're healthy will make the decision less stressful for your family when they discuss the possibility of organ donation. Have that conversation,” he urges. did.
During Organ Donation Awareness Week, members of the Sligo branch will be visiting sports clubs across the region to share the message of organ donation and hand out organ donor cards.
The branch will be distributing 'Don't leave your loved ones in doubt' posters in doctors' waiting rooms in Sligo.