“Every day I look at my two children I think of their donors. Without them I wouldn't be here.”
Those are the words of miracle mother Deirdre Roche-Doherty, who is believed to be the only woman in the world to have successfully conceived after undergoing a heart, double lung and kidney transplant.
The brave mum, pictured here with her husband Brian and children Ruth, three, and six-month-old Abbie, has thanked the generous people who helped save her life.
Deirdre spoke about her experience yesterday at the launch of Organ Donation Awareness Week 2014, which runs from Saturday until April 5.
She told the Irish Mirror that the operation had enabled her to give birth to a child she thought she would never have again.
Deirdre said: “We don't know about his health or anything else.”
“It was something I'd always wanted but wasn't sure if it would be possible. After my transplant surgery I carefully planned it with my consultant.
“I was very lucky, I had a fantastic team of doctors at Coombe and Matter who looked after me and they made it possible.”
Deirdre's health problems began when she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at just six months old.
In 1996, when Deirdre was 19, her condition worsened and she was told she needed surgery.
She said: “I was on oxygen and needed a double lung transplant.”
“They didn't do it in Ireland at the time, so you had to go to Great Ormond Street in London.” [inLondon’
“I underwent a heart and double lung transplant.
“The heart was fine, but at the time it was easier to operate on the heart and lungs at the same time.”
Despite the grueling surgery, Deirdre was given the opportunity to give back what she had received by donating her heart to a 12-year-old boy.
Deirdre spent a lot of her childhood in hospital and continued to receive care at Clanlin Hospital while she had her transplant surgery and was treated in the children's ward at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
By an astonishing coincidence, she ended up being assigned to the same ward as the child who had received her heart transplant.
Deirdre said: “I ended up donating my heart to a little boy who was in the same room as me, which is very, very rare.”
“He has the same birthday as me so that felt really weird too. It was nice to be able to give back in a little way.”
Deirdre's health improved and she completed a business degree before earning her teaching certificate.
She got a job with CBS in Kilkenny city and still works at the school.
But Deirdre's fight wasn't over: 13 years after double lung and heart surgery, her kidneys began to fail.
After the medication she was taking began to take effect, Deirdre was put on dialysis, which she described as “the worst experience of my life”.
She said: “I was very lucky because once all the tests were done and I was on the list, I only had to wait about six weeks to have my kidney transplant surgery at Beaumont.”
“During that time Brian proposed to me and we were planning to get married in 2009. I was also on the kidney transplant list so I was like, 'What do I do? I can't postpone the wedding.'
“He said we were getting married within six months so we rushed everything and luckily the kidney transplant came first.
“I had a kidney transplant in July and got married in October.
“It was wonderful to be able to get married and go on honeymoon without having to worry about dialysis.”
With the help of doctors, Deirdre made plans to give birth to her first child in 2011.
But she wanted a bigger family, adding: “People might think I'm crazy, but I decided to give it another go.”
“Abby was born six months ago and I feel incredibly blessed to have two children even after all the health challenges and transplant surgery I've had.
“My two daughters, Ruth and Abby, would not have been here. I will always be eternally grateful to those two organ donor families.”
- Meanwhile, the Health Minister revealed yesterday that a system is to be introduced whereby everyone will be considered an organ donor unless they specify otherwise.
Speaking at the launch of Organ Donation Awareness Week, James Reilly added that an “opt-out consent system” would come into effect later this year.
He said the introduction of the scheme was essential to ensure there were enough organ donors to meet demand, but added that no families would be forced to follow the scheme.
Dr Riley said: “I've always said it would be a very soft consent.”
“In other words, even if it is someone who is presumed to have consented, clearly no one is going to upset the family against their wishes, even if the family objects.”
The minister added that the proposals are “fairly advanced and a draft law is in the works”.
Former GAA star Joe Brolly has campaigned for the scheme to be introduced in the north after donating a kidney to fellow club mate Shane Finnegan in February last year.