An international charity that works to support people with blood cancer said around 8,800 people from the north had registered as potential stem cell donors in the past week.
of DKMS The charity said it typically sees between five and 10 people register as donors each week.
However, following an appeal from a family in Northern Ireland seeking a bone marrow transplant for their teenage son with acute myeloid leukaemia, there has been an “incredible surge” in people signing up as donors with DKMS.
Daniel Greer, 14, from Newry, began complaining of back and neck pain four weeks ago.
His parents took him to his doctor, who diagnosed him with leukemia after a blood test.
“As a result of the Greer family sharing Daniel's story we have seen an incredible increase in sign-ups from Northern Ireland,” said Leshna Radeven, communications and engagement officer at DKMS.
“In Northern Ireland there have been 8,826 registrations for stem cell donations this week compared to the usual five to 10 registrations per week.”
“We are actively encouraging those who have registered to return their home swab kits as soon as possible.
“We know that men aged 18 to 30 are often the first choice donors and I would encourage anyone in that age group who hasn't registered yet to do so.”
“We are touched by Daniel's story. He is still young and, sadly, if a compatible donor can be found he has the chance to live a normal life again.”
The sudden increase in registrations Newly Reporter this week.
Acute myeloid leukemia
- AML is a cancer of the bone marrow white blood cells, which fight bacterial infections, defend against parasites, and prevent further tissue damage.
- Symptoms of AML usually appear over a period of several weeks and worsen over time.
- The exact cause of AML is not known, and in most cases, there is no identifiable cause.
- This condition is most common in people over 75 years old.
Daniel's mother, Ann, said she was “not going to just sit around and wait” until she found the right match.
“I feel like I've woken up from a nightmare,” Anne told BBC Radio Ulster's Talkback.
“To be told your child has a life-threatening illness and then look at this healthy little boy who has climbed the Mourne Mountains, is passionate about sport, loves sailing, diving, swimming, kayaking and playing rugby and think: 'They're wrong'.”
The Greer family is urging people to register as donors.
Daniel has had multiple blood and platelet transfusions.
“It's emotional. It's really hard to see your child sick and feel like you can't do anything,” she added.
“We encourage anyone who is eligible to register with the bone marrow registry. If for any reason they are not eligible, even if they are a regular blood donor or platelet donor, we encourage them to register.”
“We have amazing blood and platelet donors and Daniel has already been in isolation in hospital for four weeks, with no outdoors, no fresh air. It's tough for a 14-year-old.”
What is bone marrow and what does it do?
Bone marrow is the soft, spongy tissue in the center of certain bones in the body that is home to blood stem cells.
Blood stem cells produce all of the body's essential blood cells, including oxygen-carrying red blood cells and infection-fighting white blood cells.
Diseases, such as certain types of leukemia, can interfere with the bone marrow's normal functioning.
For these patients, their best hope of recovery is to receive a bone marrow transplant.
More than 2,000 people in the UK need a bone marrow or stem cell transplant every year, according to stem cell donor charity Anthony Nolan.
Around 75% of patients in the UK will not be able to find a suitable donor within their family and will need an unrelated donor, the report said.
To become a donor, a simple cheek swab is required and the results are recorded.
In 90% of donations, stem cells are harvested through the donor's bloodstream, and in 10% they are harvested from the donor's bone marrow and involve surgery.
Daniel has completed 10 days of intensive chemotherapy and his family remain hopeful that a compatible donor will be found.
“Anyone who knows our Daniel knows he never backs down or gives up easily,” his brother James said in a social media post.
“He's fighting through it like the little warrior he always was.”